Friday, March 17, 2006

A Demon At 3 AM?

I awoke from a creepy nightmare tonight, and have had an interesting past hour. Now I sit here...shortly after 3 am, contemplating dreams, life and reality. Sometimes it seems that every experience I have lately confirms that it is time for change. I know I won't have to DO anything to start the process. Life has a 'life' of its own, and moves/changes of its own accord.

In a sense, we are in the world, but not OF the world. We obviously exist here, now in this physical universe, and yet many of us 'know' or have the feeling or intuition that there is something beyond this that we just can't see. Something beyond this world, but also a part of this world at the same time. Sometimes I feel so insufficient and frustrated because I know this and yet I can't SEE this. And as always, the mundane in life will always pull me closer and closer to its event horizon.

I feel as if I stand on the precipice between two event horizons, or points of no return. On one side is the vacuum of the meaninglessness...and on the other is the emptiness of spirituality. The more spiritual I become, the more I feel like I'm losing myself. Even though there is no self to lose. In a conversation I had today with a friend, we discussed how there seem to be many different people or personalities within us. He said that as we start to disassociate from our ego that our different personalities begin to fall away individually. I see this happening to me and I become filled with trepidation.

Which brings me back to my dream. In the dream there was an ugly little demon. Something would happen in the dream that would be very graphic and bloody...and then amidst the surprise, the little demon would grab someone and just steal them away. In my dream I was running from the demon down the streets of my hometown.

Maybe I shouldn't be running. Maybe I should go meet the demon of my own volition. I suppose this all symbolizes a certain fear about what happens when I completely lose myself. Perhaps the wording, and thus conceptualization of this is wrong. Maybe I am not 'losing' myself...more like dissolving my illusory selves into a greater oneness. Maybe if I delve into contemplations of oneness and have a firsthand taste of it for myself, I can realize that there is nothing to fear...not loss, not void, not meaninglessness. That's where I exist NOW, so losing self cannot be a step in the wrong direction.

But I don't know. I'm half asleep, and my eyes are blurry. Maybe I will laugh at this when I wake up in the morning.


..Insane_Racounter.. said...


I really like the way you've have
interpreted your dream, the deamon
that you speak of is your fear,
fear that seems to be unleashing at
you with all it's fury and snatching
away one of your personalities,
Amazing, i could have never connected it,if i had the same dream.
May be you were still at an elevated state of mind, when you
woke which made you interpret the
dream with such an ease.Amazing how
your sumbliminal thoughts will give you answers for the Questions that you ask when you're takes an elevated state to bring your subconscious (i call it almighty) to action..
Nice n Timely post

"Maybe I will laugh at this when I wake up in the morning."

u've got no reason to do that, trust me...:)

Josh Robinson said...

So it sounds like your experience of the unborn is still fettered by self-grasping. Good :) More to work with lol. Perhaps I'm a demon lol

Josh Robinson said...

Ok, so I feel as though my last post was less than kind. So here's the deal. When I'm aware and I can see my mind-states come and go, the only thing that is remaining is that bare awareness.
Everything is passing mental commentary, the skandas, cittas and cetasikas. In this way, the only personality that is available is awareness. It's the present moment. Just walking around illuminating a reality :)
Oddly enough I was just going to post about 'the story we tell ourselves'. I think personality is close to this. Past Karma -> present unique action = Personality.

Geez, me and all my blubbering. I say something and immediately I create the possibility of something 'opposite' to happen. Boy, I could be in real trouble :)

Sphinx said...


Happy u liked my analysis. The subconscious is indeed an interesting thing. I can't quite figure out my other dreams which I've had lately. But their recurring nature I find intriguing.

And I am not laughing this morning...


Interesting choice of words.
"your experience of the unborn is still fettered by self-grasping". Part of my recurring dream is that I am pregnant...which i guarantee is not a possibility.

"Perhaps I'm a demon" LOL Perhaps I am as well.

Sphinx said...


I didn't think you were being unkind.

"the only personality that is available is awareness. It's the present moment." I would like to add to this...the only REAL personality that is available is awareness. Which isn't personality. It just is. I guess on a certain level it is personality, but only if we aren't equating it with ego. Do I make sense?

I do like your definition..."Past Karma -> present unique action = Personality". Nice. Very succinct.

Thanx for your comments. :-)

. nothing . said...

"A dream which is not interpreted is like a letter which is not read. Neither a good dream nor a bad dream is ever wholly fulfilled. A bad dream is better than a good dream, the sadness caused by a bad dream is sufficient for it and the joy which a good dream gives is sufficient for it."

All the demons are heaven sent M.

Sphinx said...

Nice quote, M. Thanks. Who said it??

. nothing . said...

It's from Talmud, I'd first read it in one of Erich Fromm's book about dreams.

Josh Robinson said...

I agree with your previous posts about the only REAL personalities.

In regards to nothings quote, I love it. Very good. I would like to add another to the pile. I have to paraphrase, but the source is Jacobs Ladder. The quote says that when you are attached to the world angels appear as devils searing your attachments to the world. Angels are seen when you seek to be free from your attachments.

As for the symbol of pregnancy, perhaps you are giving birth to a new form? It's your symbol so it will resolve best within your own psyche.

One of the oddest and most recent dreams I've had was that there was an animal on a spit in an open fire. The back half of the animal was skinned and cooked but as the spit came out of the fire I realized the front of the animal was still living and was my sister-in-laws dog. Very disturbing.

Sphinx said...

Nothing...thanks :-)

"As for the symbol of pregnancy, perhaps you are giving birth to a new form"
I considered this, as well. The last time I had a dream that I was pregnant (other than the recent recurring one)...within 24 hours I had a very significant insight, which lifted my spirits and gave me clarity for weeks. But then all the worldly stuff seemed to overwhelm me again and I went back to where I started...the ebb and flow of the wave of life, I presume.

I think this dream symbol will take a while for its meaning to become completely clear, if indeed it does.

Anonymous said...

don't intellectualize it - that filters down its original truth.

Sphinx said...


I definitley agree.

Thanks for your comment!!!