Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why I'm Part Vulcan (Or Wish I Was)

  • Vulcans are three times physically stronger than Humans, and live three times as long
  • Vulcans prefer higher temperatures than Humans do
  • Vulcans, particularly females, have a strong sense of smell
  • Vulcans developed a culture dedicated to the complete mastery of logic, learning to suppress their once-violent emotions in nearly every aspect of their existence
  • Many Vulcans are telepaths
  • Vulcans can perform mind melds, in which it is possible to share thoughts, experiences, memories, and knowledge with another individual
  • When Vulcans mate, a form of psychic bond is created between the partners
  • Vulcans suppress all emotional influence by living lives of rigid emotional self-control through meditative techniques and training of mental discipline. Vulcans are not depicted as having no emotions; although they themselves make this claim, Vulcans are a very emotional people. They developed techniques to suppress their emotions precisely because of the damage they can cause if unchecked
  • Vulcans are vegetarians and rarely drink alcohol
  • Vulcans do not lie
  • Vulcans know how to do the "Vulcan nerve pinch" which can render someone unconscious
Source: Wikipedia


..Insane_Racounter.. said...


I am on-board with most of it n think it's almost cool to be a vulcan.. but again..
"Vulcans are vegetarians and rarely drink alcohol" ??
That's gotta suck yo!
now, don't you dare try a telepathic vulcan nerve pinch on moi.. a mere human.. ;)

Sphinx said...


Note that is says RARELY... you know I never seem to conform to the norm...

Josh Robinson said...

In some episodes, vulcans have been said to smell "dusty". Extreme emotionality is a debilitating disease for Vulcans. There's no mention of the Vulcan mind meld here?? Maya, what's going on?? :D

"My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts"
(Spock in mind meld with a non-vocal alien being).

Sphinx said...

Of course I mentioned the mind meld!!!
Re-read the post ;)

PS...I've been told I smell dusty.