The time has come for me to stop analyzing ad absurdum the reasons for everything. If I don't, I'll waste away in the fog of indecision and in a sad reality of gifts half-given. I've let too much time go by playing endless games of chess that always end up in stalemate.
I am on the edge of the universe. With my tired eyes wide open I will put down my chess pieces and join the hanami festival.
...dead bodies and love under the sakura trees...
don't stop playing chess. Just let the other person win when you are feeling generous. :D
Hey Kalsang...
Nahhh. Tried that and it doesn't do any good. This stalemate reality is cruel and so frustrating I often feel as if I will explode in the darkness of it all. Screw acceptance. Time to manifest an existence among the cherry blossoms. I'm choosing life and death over nothingness and frustration.
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