Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Dawning of 2008

With 2008 just around the corner Ive been giving much thought to how I can prevent my life from stagnating in the ways it did in 2007 . While there were definitely elements this year that helped me to see the world differently and that showed me parts of myself I thought I had lost or destroyed, my immediate environment seemed to stay so much the same that it actually began to rot in its own foul inertia (kind of like how it feels really good to lay in bed, but stay too long and you develop oozing, infected bed sores.) I am tired of renting head space to things that are unimportant in the end and to things devoid of meaning or significance. I am tired of wondering whats real and whats illusory. I am tired of feeling like freedom is a dream and like I have to wait for my life to begin.

The moments I treasure most from 2007 are those brief, perfect instances when time became rhythmic and happiness became so pervasive and so substantial that I could have almost reached out and held it in my hands. In 2008 I will stop being concerned with things that are beyond my control or creation, I will actively manifest my own subjective truth and reality, and I will find my way back to the source of that time-transcendent happiness.

I have thus set for myself the following tasks for 2008:

  2. Retake my vows (with modifications)
  3. Attain my goal of reading 60 books in one year
  4. Meditate more
  5. Be more selective in who I trust
  6. Be firmer in my convictions
  7. Choose my battles more carefully
  8. Do what it takes to manifest truth in compassionate ways
  9. Be unashamed that I have feelings and that I am human, not Vulcan
  10. Keep trusting that in following my heart I will always find home...

1 comment:

Tanya McGinnity said...

I tagged you for a meme on my blog. I hope you can find the time to participate

See the post on my page called "Tagged by Precious Metal"
