Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Querying a Quantum Quandary

I will attempt to give you an intelligent answer to this, but I must warn you...I only dabble in physics because I like it, not because I know anything about it.....

Kalsang asked...'If all matter can be reduced to energy and a given bundle of energy has neither direction nor amplitude (vibration), what exactly is it?"

First I thought the answer might be light, but while light (photons) is said to have no mass, it does indeed have direction. And if light is both particle and wave, then by the nature of its wave properties it must also vibrate (shouldn't it?)
Then I realized that if something in this physical world of ours has neither direction nor amplitude, then it must not really exist at all. That anything really exists is thus an illusion. . If all matter is reduced to energy and energy is further reduced to the equivalent of nothing, then that means....

...we are all nothing, and nothing really exists....

We don't exist. Things don't exist. The only thing that really exists is the great big NOTHING. ALL things are an illusion.

My conclusion must then be this: we are all players in this board game of reality where nothing is what it seems and yet everything is nothing. All things that we think exist or have some kind of permanence in reality are really just mere projections of our beliefs about them. The only true thing about everything is that it is all insubstantial and illusory. The most "real" thing to anyone is their own self, and there really isn't much point in trying to define your self since the self has the same characteristics as everything else (which is essentially no REAL or permanent characteristics). Our best bet then, is to realize that truth can only be briefly glimpsed in the ever-changing and ever-fleeting now. As Nietzsche says, "there are no truths; only relative fictions."

So tell me.. is my logic flawed? Does this make any sense at all? Or should I just go back to my non-existent bed for the day and rest my illogical, imaginary brain?


Anonymous said...

umm yeah - sounds good - that's what i would do, go to bed - afterall i don't know what energy is, but i do know that i don't have any!

if there's no such thing as time, then how are we eternally tripping out together? why are we travelling within an eternal now together? perhaps sex and/or love in a living universe? some energies communicate their stuff best through music rather than words - or even better, let me touch you just so, right there
- maybe the sun will rise for you

Josh Robinson said...

Very nice Palden!! Highly diggable. Ok, let me throw in one further quandry and a warning. Just add water and agitation and let's hope we lose a sock.

Ha! A Quandry in the laundry!!!!! LOL

So the warning is that we are varying closely to nihilism. So that being said, the added quandry is something called zero point energy. Physicists, so far as I read it in New Scientist magazine, either really hate this or really love it. That's a sign that it's worth looking at!

Zero point energy is the energy that exists when there is absolutely nothing in the space being inspected. The energy hangs there in statis. Sometimes, when static energy in empty space becomes dynamic, a particle will appear out of nothing. Kooky eh? :S

So tell me again why we have to burn coal?

Let the machine run and let me know what you come up with !! :D

Sphinx said...

IMHO...Time exists and yet it doesn't. It is a man-made construction invented to bring some order to chaos. Beyond our conceptions of time(and being convinced that aging is proof of its passage), there is nothing really real or substantial or consistent about time. It's all in our heads, n'est pas?

ROFL @ Quandry in the laundry! Good one!

BTW...how similar is zero point energy to anti-matter? Fascinating...

Josh Robinson said...

zero point energy & antimatter eh? Well, that's kinda tricky. I would like to say that energy is not coloured by the anti-matter or matter switch. The reason why I say that is because when you annihilate the two on each other, you just get energy; not anti-energy or energy. So, in this way, no matter the origin of energy (not that there is one - see Law of Conservation of Energy), Zero point energy could create a particle or an anti-particle at the same time, annhilate them both and the energy would be returned to the empty space. I wonder if that would collaspe a portion of space for a time?? Hmmm, intellectualization !! :)

Miao 妙 said...

Hey, this comment is totally unrelated to your entry... I'd just like to ask you, is Russian difficult to learn? Do you still remember what you learned? I'm quite interested in it... :)

Sphinx said...

Hi Miao. The hardest part about Russian is the alphabet. Other than that, I found it pretty easy. I remember very little because when the course ended I stopped using it. If you do pick it up again perhaps we could have a few conversations? BTW...how's the German going? :)

Miao 妙 said...

My progress in German is very slow. :( I've just completed the first course, and my lecturer told me that I won't be learning past tense until I reach the third course. Right now I haven't even learned past participle, present participle, future participle, dative and genitive cases, past tense, etc. yet. :(

Josh Robinson said...

As for the concept of time... the notion of time; one of the reason why it exists as a useful concept is memory.

Without memory, there is no interconnectedness, there is sheerly happening and no meaning. Relativity breaks down and it all just looks like slinky bouncing from hand to hand.

Conceptual Time doesn't have any value unless you have memory.

Einstein's SpaceTime is in trouble here. Without time, space isn't relevant as you need time to move through it. Without space there's no medium to measure with time.

But oddly, we're all still here .. existing in nothing.