Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Things I Love: Happy V Day!

  • feeling ALIVE
  • people who 'get' me
  • my parents
  • my teacher, Yeshe
  • my son
  • Nietzsche (lol)
  • reading
  • writing
  • poetry
  • the internet
  • synchronicity
  • thunderstorms
  • shiny things
  • loud music
  • the feeling of freedom
  • Nag Champa incense
  • people who use big words correctly
  • the feeling of adventure
  • the smell of Swiss Army for men
  • sharing an 'inside' joke with someone
  • spending time with myself
  • having my hair brushed
  • the feeling I get when seeing something from a different perspective for the first time
  • taking a bath and making the water so hot that it turns my skin red
  • going to a city I've never visited before and having it instantly feel like I'm home
  • the feeling I get when I have just done something I feared
  • when the blankets on my bed are cold underneath when I first crawl in
  • having all the lights off and my apartment completely lit up with candles
  • when I am petting my cat, Leo, and he puts his paw on my face
  • when I see someone do something kind for someone else
  • listening to someone when they really have something to say
  • the feeling of things making sense when the pieces fit
  • when I get up in the morning and my son has made me coffee
  • when I am able to stop thinking and rest peacefully in the NOW
  • finding meaning in places I previously overlooked
  • *anything profound*


Vics said...

Not too sure about 'swiss army for men' but there's many a one I can agree with on thta list

Sphinx said...

I see we have a lot in common. I checked your profile...another Dragon!

Happy to make your acquaintance :-)

There are far to few females commenting here, so do come back. We have some music interests in common as well. (DISTURBED....NICE)

..Insane_Racounter.. said...

I love the way you "see"


Sphinx said...


thanx...your blog is quite 'riveting' in its candidness, which I thoroughly enjoy.


