Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Magis Profundus? Vel Magis Plumbeus?

Ut panton est serenus
quod ut illic est nihilim loquor
...tamen panton loquor...

Ut lingua est lacuna in mihi;
sulum dictus est tantum silentium
quod tantum minimus quid ego vere volo transveho.........

Ut ego animadverto
plurimus meus camena
eram non vere quid ego volo loquor in ullus theca......

...ego narro in latin quoniam panton conferis in latin sanus magis profundus...

(this is probably teeming with grammatical errors but I've always wanted to experiment with Latin...anyone know any? lol maybe I should stick to English)

A rough translation can be found here:
Translation Guide.com


. nothing . said...

In any case it's a nice try -and good way to start learning Latin. Don't stick on English, you'll learn whatever you want. Even German maybe ;-)

Take care

Sphinx said...



hehehe...German, eh? Ich bin ein Berliner? hahaha

"Ich bin verbrannt mit Haut und Haar
Verbrannt ist alles ganz und gar
Aus der Asche ganz allein
Steig ich auf zum Sonnenschein"

Danke shein.

..Insane_Racounter.. said...

"ich habe keine Idee, über was Sie sprechen"
though i would say..
Nice experiment ...!!

Sphinx said...


hahaha...good one!

Seien Sie vorsichtig! :-)


. nothing . said...

Hey das zeer gut! it looks like you both are going well :-) But:
"Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German." - Mark Twain

here, have some fun : http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/German_grammar

Cheers :-)

Sphinx said...


Danke for the quote lol. And for the link...and to think i took Russian instead of German in school...lol

I'd write some of that but this darn keyboard doesn't have the cyrillic alphabet.

"Do svedanya" anyhow.

PS...how do you say 'thank you' in Turkish? How bout Dutch?

. nothing . said...

"Dank je wel" is in Dutch and "Teşekkür ederim" is in Turkish for "Thank you".
You don't try to learn 3 languages at the same time, do you? :-)

Sphinx said...


Well, I figure that since many people try to learn the swear words of every language (I am guilty of that lol) I figured it would be a nicer thing if I learned how to say 'thank you' in a few. LOL